First car show -- advice??

I went to my first car show in my then recently passed dad's 67 Dart convertible.

It had a bent front bumper, white left front fender (blue car), missing trim, 25 year old bad paint job. when the show was over and they were handing out the awards I went home.

A week later I got a call to come pickup my award, "Best A Body", there were so many more cars way better then mine.

But... They did not have my back story.

Moral to the story...
  1. Dont expect to win, in fact what does it matter!
  2. Develope your car's back story, even if it's short.
  3. Get a popup tent
  4. Some fold up chairs
  5. A cooler with some beverages
  6. Talk to anyone who will listen, even if you have to chase them down
  7. Make some new friends
  8. Have fun
Might bring an extra chair for someone like me who has bad knees that might want to stop and visit.