First car show -- advice??

I went to a all Mopar show way back about 15 years ago. I enjoy going and seeing cars and meeting some good people. It was just a club show. I have never taken a car to a show to compete, just not me.
I well remember, getting there and first car I walk over and see in a 69 Roadrunner. Nice car. The owner is wiping it with his fancy cloth and stuff, and there is an audience, The owner seems to be a high ranking member of the club. He hollers over to his wife in the club tent to bring him that bottle of tire shine he had donated as one the give aways for their drawings. After all it "was" his bottle to begin with!! I walk off and mark him off as a prick.

Then I see a Mopar bud I had not seen in 7-8 years and he had drove about 4 hours to attend the show as a spexctator too. Good to see again.

Next I meet an older guy like me, that drove his C body abouit 5 hours from Kansas. He loved that car, did all the work, nice ride and good guy. No one else seemed to have any interest in it though. I enjoyed the visit.

I walk and see all the cars, but I had already stopped to visit with my favorites. A dad and his son, about 18 or so that drove his 65 Dart slant car. It was in that "stage of work' where it ran, body work was just in the beginning stage, lots of patin a before patina was cool, the interior was clean but in threads. Dad was helping the "kid" best he could, and the boy was excited to have the car and be able to drive it to the show. I told him to not be ashamed of his ride, be proud of the work he has done on it and be happy to enjoy it. Makes no difference if anyone else likes it, loves it or hates it! Be proud, both of ya.

I watched form a distance for quite a while, at them and their Dart, no one stopped to look at their ride or talk. Sad.