Power Disc conversion/ proportioning valve question

I tried that yesterday and again this morning but the brake light still comes in under pressure. I read that you can have someone hold the brake on while you open a bleeder valve until the light goes off and that will reset it. I'll try that next.
Maybe. I have never heard that. How would you know which one to bleed? Ie: you’d have to know ahead of time which side or way it is unbalanced, otherwise you’ll just be creating more pressure imbalance scenario’s hence re-triggering the piston or valve to make a ground connection and trigger the light again? Not sure on this one though.

I would think that If your light is not on all the time and only happens under application you systems still has air in it, a small leak, is weak, or maybe the master isn’t holding pressure on one of the legs and fluid pushes back.

Or; the pro valve is **** like the one I have. I’m going to install an oem one and see if my issue on that car goes away.

And btw, the Oem 4 wheel drum is just a distribution block. No valve.