Bostonian 71 demon

being I already have the ladder bar mount in the front I didn't want to relocate the rails instead. Im going to narrow the rail to 1" wide at the wheel well. then move the spring box flush to the rail and move the sliders in board o plant to section a 64-66 mustang gas tank and take 4 in out of the middle long ways to then install in the location the spare tire well was. I further more will be installing 2 1" 5/8 pieces of chromoly tubing one at the rear allowing me to cut out the valance area between the rails. This will double as a mount for my vertical wheelie bars and be tided into the slider mounts also. the second tube will be approximately where the rear shock mounts were as I plan to remove that panel for space the shock mounts will be tied to the rear down bars as I plan to cut 2 holes in the flor to allow for them to come through and tie in. There will off the down bars be two supports tied in to plates directly above the highest point of the rear frame rail finalizing to at the down bar plates above the leaf spring slider mounts. the down bars will have a bar tying them together that will have mounts for ballast that will be directly over the gas tank. I also plan to run an x braces where the original rear down bars were.
Great plan.