Finally get to pretend I am one of the cool kids - Holley kit swap

I think the auto has an "advantage" of being a little smoother and less fore and aft space required to install it, so you can fit the tunnel a little tighter. It might be a bigger tunnel in some regards, but with my T56 I needed to leave enough room to be able to stick and input shaft in there and push it forward several inches. You can shoot it in at an angle for a little bit, but ultimately you still need probably at least a good 3" or more that you can pull it straight back to clear the clutch. With an auto I think you only have to be able to pull it back maybe 1-2", if even that. Just one thing to keep in mind when building a tunnel. Don't build it so tight you can't take things back out after you're done. Would be a pain to hug everything tight, get it all tacked together, then you can't pull the trans to do the bottom side cleanup.

Yep, that's on my radar. Part of why I want a cardboard cutout of the trans so I can "play" with it easily. There is even an odd tab on the DS of the trans that @72bluNblu cut off for that very reason. I am looking at either building my crossmember to clear that or cut it off like Blu did.

BTW, it isn't on the older T56's, only the T56 Magnums that are OEM TR6060 based. I believe the OEM's used it to attach wiring harnesses to.