Butters "Winter Upgrades". . Starting a Little Early

I used the eastwood branded product for floors, doors, roof, etc. i wouldn't recommend using that product on the roof. In the summer, it melts and drips through the perforated holes in the headliner. Pisses me off, but I'm not dropping the headliner to remove it. I figure it will stop dripping eventually.
I had heard something like that before. I wasn't sure if any of the products out there were better suited for overhead installation like that or not. I know I've heard of people buying straight up roofing strips from the local DIY store, but some say the smell is very prominent, at least for a while I imagine. Guessing the "automotive" targeted stuff is slightly different at least, but maybe not enough to make a difference? I wonder about doing something like a moisture barrier under it to protect against something like that. I used some plastic liner designed to go under hardwood floors in my car behind the door panels as a moisture barrier. Bought some butyl "rope" I ran around the perimeter, then pressed the plastic against it to stick it on and put the door panels over that. I'd wonder if you couldn't do something similar on the roof where you do the noise/vibration mat on the roof, then put a plastic liner under to "seal" it, unless that would cause more issues down the road than it would solve.