Rack and pinion steering.

I apologize. What I said was harsh. But, please don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Take my one critical sentence out of what I posted and I would hope you would see the value in my suggestions.

You don't need it, it will be worse than factory. There are so many compromises and absolutely no advantage to doing it with OEM stuff. Structurally and geometrically it is at a disadvantage.

If you truly need it (1.75" header primaries, weight reduction, sealed hub spindles, .....) then do Alter-k-tion or Hemi Denny. With a well designed and PROVEN system you can utilize much better rear sump pans, miles to spare for header clearance, can do Corvette sealed sealed hubs. IFS used to be favored for disc brakes but you can get a brake setup to fill any need from drag race to road race in on a Mopar spindle so that's a mute point.

I apologize @MOPARMAGA
I appreciate your response, you're right I will make the best of what I have for now until I can afford to buy something ( which I don't like doing) but something like a hdk would be way better than what I want to do.
I have 2.125 primary tti with no clearance issues and I think for now buying a 20.1 manual box will be my best option.