273 Commando Rebuild Or Not?

I should have replied earlier…… thanks for the info.
I’m considering freshening up my Commando 273 just for the sake of it. Haven’t done a compression check yet, but it starts and runs very well, but does blow a small amount of blue smoke when revved a bit harder.
I’ve literally only driven it round the block, and started it in my shed.
Am I right in thinking I can simply get a 318 gasket kit and it will suit ? Assuming the. Domed pistons are fine, is a rebuild that hard or are most bits available ? In Australia the majority of Mopar 8s you see are 318 and 360….. but 273s are around. Just not many.

Oh…..and the spark plug “shields”….. are they part of the manifold gaskets ?
You may be able to save your Commando head gaskets, not sure I would use them, but I would definitely save them. Your oil burning may be intake valve seals. I'd replace the valve seals, adjust the valves, maybe get some good intake gaskets, change the antifreeze, oil, and filter to 20W50 and run it. The only basic difference between a 273, and 318 is in the pistons and rings, including piston hight. 273's are about 0 deck and 318's are down in the hole. Almost everything else is interchangeable. A Commando is positive deck hight with the dome. You may be good enough with those few changes.