63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)
Help! the engine runs fine, however, I'm running into what happened earlier~ after heating up, water/coolant will gush out the radiator fill, over and over. Then I just kill the engine stand back and let it puke! The radiator being new flows well, and pouring water through flows well. I'm not running a thermostat right now. I just ordered a new water pump as this is the old one, but I don't suspect it. The block stays hot~ at 200 degrees, after the engine has been shut down, but radiator cools off quickly. I was worried that maybe there's a stoppage in the coolant passage or head gasket on incorrectly, but only goes on one way. I thought maybe an air pocket like most do, but I'd put the cap on and let it cool down, but the block where the mechanical pickup is stays hot for quite a while. but with the radiator out of the way, upper and lower hose, I can pour water through.
but what is strange, the middle of the radiator is cool. I'm thinking to put the old leaky radiator back on to see if it does the same thing.
The heater spickets are just blocked off, do they need to be connected to recirculate?