63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

Ray and I spoke about my phenomenon or is it a dilemma? lol In the morning I'm going to install a 180 degree thermostat, but found I only have a 160 or 195, so I'll go with the 195 for now and drill a little hole suggested by Ray. Then put the timing more towards 4 degrees. hm For now I just put the old water pump back on as I feel there wasn't anything wrong with it.

Here's what I did do before talking to Ray. I thought perhaps the new radiator was messed up, so I put the old leaky radiator back on, (still no thermostat), filled it, ran it and coolant immediately was visible~ it ran great, then I filled it a tad more, then the puking began again. The temp at the radiator filler was 190 and the manual temp from the head was 200 or more. Again, filled it a tad more then the puking began(I think I said that).

I've had it for today, I'll start again morning.