Cragar Center Cap

The Cragar 09090 S/S cap should fit. It's steel, and held in place with a disc that creates an interference fit on the inside of the wheel hub and is held in place with a screw.
All the pictures below are for Cragar G/T wheels. They're the painted spoke and polished rim version of the S/S, so they're very similar. They're my favorite. I had them on my Road Runner back in 1980.

My spare modern (now discontinued) 610G wheel. G is for grey, as the C is for chrome on your wheels. Your hub should measure 3" here also.

With vintage G/T Cap in place.

I.D. of vintage cap.

Reverse of vintage cap showing retaining plate and screw. Note the hole in the plate that lines up with the stud on the cap to keep it from turning.

Modern G/T caps. They should have red paint. You'll want S/S because your wheels are chrome.