First car show -- advice??

3) Rather than an Eazy-Up canopy, consider a broad brimmed straw hat. I've also hit up the thrift stores for lightweight long-sleeved shirts & khaki trousers if direct sun might be a problem. Skin cancer is a real thing. DAMHIK.
Oh, for sure. Living in Southern AZ, skin cancer is a real concern. Especially for guys like me who spend a lot of time outdoors. I've known probably five or so coworkers who have had chunks cut out of their faces or wherever. Five! That seems like a lot to me.

The show is on the 30th of this month, and the way time flies I better get going on the detailing. Between work, the shop, and all the other things that eat my time, the show will sneak up. I honestly have no idea how people watch 8 hours of TV a day and still lead productive lives.

Edit: the show is on the 25th, so I have even less time. Better get crackin....