I bought a super cheap GPS module that will function with the raspberry pi4, got it all setup with the TS Dash and now it's showing GPS synced. I Haven't test drove it yet. But everything LOOKS like it should work.
I also had tried to setup a Time delay relay for the safe shutdown of the dash, but the delay relay was doing some funky stuff. It would work when it wasn't plugged into the ecu, but as soon as the USB from the ecu would touch any metal connected to the board it would
Power the board without the Time delay actually being active. SUPER weird. So I established the delay was the issue, removed it and changed the wiring. SO now the dash powers on with the ECU using a 5v transformer and I have a 3.3v transformer off the key accessory which activates a pin for the shutdown manager in TS dash so the unit will power down before I kill the ecu/power. And with the Echo Client on TS Dash I can connect my Laptop to the Dash's wifi hotspot and tune while the dash is still connected.