Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well I hope it works out and it sounds like you stopped the bleeding before it ruined ya.

Had a coworker marry a Romain lady with similar results, only he never realized it until she literally drained his last penny and by that time, she’d taken out tons of loans against his assets and he ended up in bankruptcy over it.

my recommendation on this is to check any assets that she might have had access to and make sure Chin didn’t do something along those lines.
Most of you here don't know this, but I have 30 years of business experience before I sold my Corporation. I have placed every precaution available to me in advance of Marrying this woman. I even have a signed pre nup, witnessed by two people and notarized, in hand. She can take nothing from me in America. Viet Nam is is a little different. She has already taken from me there, and now there is court action against her here in VN. I got absolutely nothing to worry about, other than how I like to spend my days here... :thumbsup: