Finally get to pretend I am one of the cool kids - Holley kit swap

I had to pull padding off the back of carpet and it barely fit between floor heat duct and raised tunnel. Had to wressle it into place. I rebuilt my factory heat AC box, Sanden compressor, parallel flow condenser, and got 48 degree air in 95 degree plus weather. Could feel tips of ears getting cold. But that factory heat AC box is a big heavy pig. Since mine a factory AC factory 340 car trying to minimize the hacking modifications where possible. Because its a sin to do anything with a factory 340 car other then 100 percent stock right?
What pedal are you running.

I had previously rebuilt the entire AC system and ran a sanden compressor with the old small block. It seemed ok but it was later in the year and not alot of hot temps left. Well then I did the Hemi swap that winter, used the Hemi compressor, upgraded the condenser etc. but it just never was as cold as would like all the time. I tried several things but was just never totally happy with it. In town driving was it's weak point. In hindsight, I think oil was my biggest issue.. That and so many other heat producing things around the condenser. But having to pull it all back out after doing the tunnel work was it for me.. done! I am not wrestling that thing ever again haha. Plus, I just need the room. I almost didn't get it out.

Consider me a sinner.. 340 car or not, I'd make it the way I wanted :)