Finally get to pretend I am one of the cool kids - Holley kit swap

Good point.

When Holley came out with their parts I got excited because it solved some of the issues I had with the swap. The big ones were that I could run the low mount AC compressor if I ran a VVT motor and I could run the 6.4 intake and keep the SRV function without cutting my firewall. The last change was that I could run an oil filter adapter instead of a remote oil filter. All of these made the option to do the swap on my '74 very attractive. I was even more excited about the swap when I saw the prices of some of the parts, like less than $400 for stainless headers. The idea stumbled some when I realized that I would have to rework my transmission parts as the motor moved forward, but I got over that hurdle by figuring that if I was going to swap a T56 in, it didn't really matter anymore that the motor was forward.

At the time I was well aware of the TTI and Schumacker mounts, but those options meant no SRV or AC for me and headers were more than twice as much. So I focused on the Holley stuff.

That was my mindset when the '73 became available and I pivoted to doing the swap into that car. I guess in hindsight I was kind of turning a blind eye to some things since I was willing to cut the floor for a T56, but not the firewall for the SRV module. I could argue that the other advantage was the AC compressor, but people have since figured out how to keep the AC compressor low using a different compressor and custom mounts. The remote oil filter wasn't all that big of a deal to me, but I liked not having to use one.

I could probably pivot to the Schumaker mounts right now and make it work if I dropped the SRV option. This would remove the compromises right away, and I would run long tubes and even keep the AC somehow. But TTI's are $1K and I don't want to spend that kind of money right now as it would put the project on hold until I had it. It is certainly the better time to do it since I am building the tunnel now. But in the end, this build isn't supposed to be a narrow focus competition type build so I think I will forge on as is and leave that for if I end up wanting to narrow the focus of this build.

But, you bring up a good point in regards to what I might do on the '74 if I swapped it. I expected to have the Holley parts laying around, but even if I did it might be a better idea to use TTI mounts and headers and not worry about AC or the SRV module. That would save me reworking all the 4 speed connecting stuff. Something to think on later if I get there. Thanks!
Ah, I didn't think about all the various tech and other goodies that have come out on the engines since then either. I keep forgetting that I did my swap over 10 years ago when TTI and Schumacher were pretty much the only things on the market. Made the decisions a lot easier in some regards, but also kind of pinned me into my own corner. My engine was originally a car engine, but I swapped the timing cover for a truck one because it moved the alternator away from the frame rail (which sometimes hit and sometimes didn't, never really figured that one out) and had better water pump ports to work with my radiator. I didn't have to do any crazy hoses that 180'd, they were pretty short and sweet. The truck cover isn't as "sexy" and presents other clearance issues with some manifolds though, which also kind of locks you in. I actually had to trim a piece of my ModMan off to make the factory A/C compressor fit. I was originally concerned a compressor wouldn't fit under my hood and clear my driver's side fuel rail, but it turns out I had a lot more room than I expected once I had one in my hands. The 6 pack style scoop helps with some of that though. I'm still not 100% sure the high mount compressor would clear a factory steel hood with the underbracing. Maybe that was also before I fixed my driveline angle issue and the front of the motor was sitting high though.