Replacement 68 340 four speed cams

Rusty, it took a while to dig up my info. The work order back around 1990 said R-4452761 DC, the stock #P3412044 (276 and .460 lift. (Manual)

DC Purple shaft P3690213 (268 and .450 lift) Stock #2899206 (auto)

Not sure of the odd # on the work order, but it was a Purple DC. I did have the box the cam came in until 4 years ago when tossed out in my move, with the original cam in it.
That's a different grind than the 4 speed cam. The 4 speed cam was a dual pattern, just like the auto cam. It had more duration though and it may have had more lift too.

Yeah, here it is from @krazykuda right out of the 1968 service manual.
68 340 4 speed cam:

276°/284° duration
.444"/.453" lift

Int open: 26° BTDC
Int close: 70° ABDC
Exh open: 78° BBDC
Exh close: 26° ATDC

Overlap: 52°

Per the 68 factory service manual