Soĺ Cal fires
Thank you for making my point! Santa Ana winds don't care and not even a 6 lane freeway for a fire break works in those kinds of conditions.
Just like my wife. Just want to argue. I never challenged your point.
I'm just going to go ahead and say it. You don't have the experience or knowledge I do on wildland fire. Were you a hotshot for multiple seasons? Have you ran a fuels program? Are you Engine Boss qualified? Have you conducted hundreds of not thousands of firing and Blackburn operations?
I never said a fire like these can be managed in it's intensity and conditions. You have totally skipped past when I said that some fires savvy homeowners could prep, hold, and defend on some fires but on something like this even the fire personnel have to pull back and draw a bigger box.
Quit being annoying like a woman. Always have to be "right" and you'll cherry pick , take out of context, and read in too much. Just to ******* argue. You do realize we are basically saying the same thing on this fire behavior (wind driven and in alignment). You ARE maintaining that I said THIS fire could have been managed. That's false.
I don't give a **** that your Daddy was on a fire twuck fighting the Cedar Fire. You missed the roll, Brother. You weren't there and you'll likely never fight a Cleveland Fire. Matter of fact, it's clear to me you have never even been to the Cleveland National Forest because of your dumbass take with the desert comment. That is when you lost credibility as a firefighter in my eyes. tick to medical aids, Chief.
Aren't you a volunteer anyway or something? Oh, maybe a small town agency? I know how you retards roll on fire. The dude that got killed on the Cedar was a city firefighter trying to exist in the wildland space. Most of you guys just don't have the fortitude to come anywhere near what a Hotshot is.