NSS Inline 2x4 Intake

Is the Indy Modman the only inline 2x4 intake that can be used other than a Max Wedge intake?

I was almost sure the NSS inline intakes I've saw in the past were boxier looking than an Indy ModMan with a 2x4 top plate.

Did they make another inline intake prior to the ModMan?

Indy's RB MW 'cross-ram' has been the 'go-to' intake for probably 20+ years now and there is very little stagger in the carbs. Beyond that you can use a conventional tunnelram for in-line. The modman intake has good potential but IMO needs a lot of work. I did an extensive rework on one for a buddies motor lengthening the runners and increasing plenum volume shown here along with Indy's MW crossram...hope this helps answer the question!

