That's more than double the time you have in the fire service. Maybe I spent most of it as a "city guy", but I've been deployed all over the state, and in other state
I know a lot of guys that bounced around for 21 years and didn’t do anything too. Being assigned to fires doesn’t mean you went deep into fires in wilderness areas, spiked out for 2 weeks and got thrown into the grinder. You probably sat at the engine doing mop up and just generally being in the way of Feds and CalFire. I know a lot of municiple agency qual/cert whores that never went out and got their dick knocked in the dirt year after year on a shot crew. That’s how you become an SME. There is no qualification for Subject Matter Expert but look at my pics of my station in the middle of a 17,000 acre fire. I’ve done it many times but you surely haven’t had that charge of making a stand like that with a crew of 5. That’s my resume. I can produce more evidence too.
@72bluNblu I asked you to PM me for any further. Go back thru this thread and start reading my posts from the beginning and you’ll see that you’re whole reason for doing your USUAL thing (arguing for no reason) is asinine.
Please read and digest post #16. You are arguing the same points I made there. You clearly didn’t digest my words.