Pulling Engine/Trans over the winter....Header Question??

Good for you Wally! Get that trans issue remedied and we'll look forward to seeing that Demon laying down some serious #'s in just a few short months. I know you'll do what it takes to make it happen and that 10-sec slip is well within your grasp.

Just had a friend teach me how to build a 727 today - first time for me. All these trans guys on here are right...the mechanicals of them really are pretty straightforward and simple. So long as you have a good selection of the various thickness spacers and washers to set endplays/clearances, they go together pretty easy. This friend had some interesting trans to compare against each other: a Coan built 20 years ago, a Turbo-Action built a year ago, and another Coan built within the last year. It was very interesting to see all the little variations each of them had. I'm sure each of the mods were done thinking this was how to build a better mousetrap.

I figure I better learn this stuff as I know my trans won't live forever, even behind my little 408!

I thought about trying it myself, but if the guy I've known for 40 years that builds 727's can't figure this one out, I thought I'd better take it to a professional.
I have an old 727 core in my shed, maybe someday I'll dig into it.
I'll keep everyone updated as this has me excited again. Hoping to dip into the 10's!!