Pulling Engine/Trans over the winter....Header Question??

I thought about trying it myself, but if the guy I've known for 40 years that builds 727's can't figure this one out, I thought I'd better take it to a professional.
I have an old 727 core in my shed, maybe someday I'll dig into it.
I'll keep everyone updated as this has me excited again. Hoping to dip into the 10's!!
"Hoping to dip into the 10's!!"

You certainly will. No doubt there!

P.s. I hope you didn't infer that I thought I was a trans expert. That would be the farthest thing from the truth! But I think I could certainly do the routine things like clutchpack replacements, endplay settings, assembly, etc. Maybe one day I'll have to put it to the test - but hopefully not soon!!