Let’s revisit the CR-
-What part number pistons, and set at what deck clearance?
-heads were measured and the chamber volume is?
-gasket bore and thickness(or part number)?
Other thoughts…….
Unported stock heads are definitely a restriction if trying for better upper rpm power.
[email protected] cam, With modest CR and especially at your elevation will want more stall speed(32-3500 actual flash stall).
Something like a tight 10” converter.
A better match cam wise for something that only has an actual flash stall speed of 2500+/- is going to be about 15*@.050 less.
A cranking compression test is worth doing.
Engine warm, throttle wide open, all plugs removed.
I usually look for pressure on first pump, 4 pumps, and max pressure(7-8 pumps).
My experience is that from the drivers seat, a properly tuned, appropriately sized DP carb will “feel” hotter than a VS carb………even if/when it’s not any quicker at the track.