sand blasting

Thanks Chris, I might also point out, that it's not legal in the States any longer to sell real sand for 'sand blasting' least to the best of My knowledge. I had blasted the Olds 15×7 Rallys with dried & filtered play sand from Lowes, but don't tell them that's what You're using it for, better yet.....protect Your lungs & just use Black Beauty or the like. Silicosis is chronic, so unless You're looking forward to a life of asthma attacks, just don't.
most "sand" guys don't give two ***** about their health. lol My local "blast for beer" guy uses a welding helmet with no respirator with beach sand, after he is done he pushes used sand and waste/lead paint into the creek below his place. downstream people actually get their water from the creek. he amazingly does not have silicosis after 30 years...yet its a terrible way to die.
i use recycled glass, it has no active silicate in it so no chance of silicosis, respiratory problems, yes but not silicosis. i am very aware of dust related issues so i am diligent about safety equipment and supplied fresh air.
most big suppliers have no problems selling you sand for blasting as they just want the sale.

its a crappy job but some days its almost fun. i get to see some amazing car collections that most people don't ever get to see.