Butters "Winter Upgrades". . Starting a Little Early

I won't fire it until probably march.ir April. May is a good month to roll out.

I was planning to slap on the headers, motor mounts and get it primed this weekend. And the drop it in and bolt up the transmission. I kinda to the point of it needs things in place before I can move on.

But, I started feeling really bad towards the end of the day and freezing. Something has me down again.. Worse than covid a few weeks ago. So, that may delay me. Buried in sweatshirts and comforter now, waiting for theraflu to kick in.

Was a slower day at work today and I had time to make a new pedal bracket, early in the day, before I started feeling bad. I moved the pedal location to the right with option for 1_1/4 to 2" adjustment beyond the USCT bracket. No pics at the moment. I have the final piece just tacked. Thought about measuring the Rams pedals.. I like the way they feel.

So, I'll be selling the USCT pedal bracket. Maybe I'm just weird...
I wonder if they designed that bracket on a B-Body and just assumed it would be good on an A. Hope you feel better soon. Maybe your immune system was still beat down from the Vid.