How much improvement will I see?

Why is the 60' so slow with 4.30 gears?
Does it spin at the hit?

I agree that the drag radial tire, 4.30 gear and 2.08 sixty ft. does not make a lot of sense to me. Even with a stock/tight converter.

To the OP, how much track time have you had with the car? My gut tells me that as it sits, even with the stock converter, it should run a 1.9 sec. sixty ft. with practice. That in turn should get you to the 13.00s.

The other info that is important is the mph on the time slip. Once you have the car running consistently (goes to what I asked earlier about track time) the mph stays nearly constant, irrespective of the sixty ft.

The mph is generally a good reflection of power. If the 104-105 mph is consistently where the car is at now, the converter will not really change that, unless the current converter is junk.

So I’d guess that if the car hooks with a good converter, you are at a best of 12.70 or so.