Are 67-69 Dart hoods interchangeable?


Regarding 67-69 dart grill vs fenders.

67 and 68 headlight buckets are almost in the same place. Close enough that they will fit.

69 are different

70 up crap shoot but 74 (iirc) Are very close as well.

I have a 74? left front fender on my 67 the bezel fits but the headlight is right up against the bezel.

As for hoods.

67-69 will fit 67-69, there are hole differences for trim letters etc.

Someone mentioned a hinge change.

Some year the adjustment went from the hood to the hinge, meaning the change changed how the adjustment worked. one group of years there was captive nuts that wre moveable in the hood, other group of years the nuts did not move but there were slots in the hinge to allow for adjustment.