Idle shake

Not knowing the history of your engine?

I always do the seafoam treatment to the existing running used engines. Loosens up any carbon around the rings and in the ring lands.

Helps clean up the combustion chamber and build back compression as the rings will seat better. Hence cleaner burn and less fowling of the spark plugs.

2 tablespoons of seafoam poured into each spark plug hole, let it set for 2 days to soak down into and around the rings.

Then start it up again, take it out run it up for a good 30 mile drive. Then change out the oil and filter with some good 10w 30 motor oil and then run it up good and warm again.

Guarantee you will have have higher numbers on your next compression test, because the rings will be sealing better. No smoke out the exhaust either.

Take your time and do this right, makes a good running engine out of it.

