904 Rebuild for Beginners

I'm thinking about rebuilding my old 904 for street use. The videos make it look doable, and I plan on purchasing the manual by Tom Hand.
Question: > I can't seem to find good info about valve bodies. Is it typical to replace the valve body or rebuild?
> I don't see valve body rebuild kits online - I assume there are at least some seals that need replaced - do those parts just come with the transmission rebuild kit?
> What is a forward vs reverse vs manual, etc valve body (everyone seems to know but me)?
> Looking on Cope Racing Transmission website, they have racing, stock, street HP, and street kits. Should I stick with stock or upgrade? My teen is probably making 180hp, but I hope to upgrade and plan on ~300hp someday.

Back story:
I have a 75 Duster 318 that's pretty much all stock. 25 years ago, soon after I bought it, the transmission left me stranded - just sat there slipping and wouldn't go. Dad and I installed a used lock-up tranny and converter from an old Cordoba and off I went. It has started to slip in reverse, so I'm thinking about rebuilding the original transmission, which I still have sitting around. It has lived outdoors, etc., and I don't know the condition - only that it worked until it didn't and it's been sitting ever since. I use my Duster as a daily and I'm most interested in drivability and mileage, but I'll probably do a heads/intake/cam/carb job on it at some point.

Appreciate any advice or insight.
The valve body is all parts that just get cleaned, inspected for wear or damage, and then reused.

Do not buy a TCI kit or other like it. You have a Transtar Industries near your location in Grand Rapids. You can buy everything there individually so you are not buying a bunch of extra parts you won't use at a cost markup. But they can supply everything you need so end up with a "kit." And they will help get the right parts for you. Let them know it is your first time.

Do not buy everything before taking it apart and inspecting. Many of the bushings that come in some kits are not needed because they can be inspected for wear and re-used if in good shape.

Also, don't overthink it. If it is a mostly stock car you do not need a bunch of upgrade parts or racing clutch discs, etc. Stock replacement grade parts work very well.