1969 Dodge Dart Swinger 340 Sold at Mecum today for $40,000

Some people have sheds for their classics, not enclosed garages, other drive them daily, other guys have classics that lead harder lives.
I understand how some people feel that base coat clear coat makes a classic look too shiny. I felt that way myself and planned on having my car done in single stage when I had it painted . At the time approximately 4 years ago painters were telling me that the quality of single stage paint had declined greatly and good products were hard to find. So I went with PPG clear coat base coat and a very glad I did. With my color and most of the high impact colors are kind of flat and have no metallic or real depth but by adding a nice clear coat it really makes the color pop.

Truth of the matter is, a car is worth what it is worth. If you overpay cause you are unskilled or too lazy to get a car to a reasonably good condition and you overpay for someone else's mess, you are screwing the rest of us car guys. A turd is a turd no matter how much you polish it.
All of those parts contribute to the originality of the car fender tag just being another piece . But a high profile one. Different people will look at it differently. But in my opinion yes it throws a red flag for me. But things happen over the years stuff gets replaced stuff gets removed and stuff gets lost.I took my original build sheets from under my seats put them in a safe place and never found them again.
How about tag re-pops? My project never came with a fender tag. Would it be worth the $300 or so to get one done? And......Can they be identified as a re-pop?
These auction houses are a great place to "launder" money, that plays into it.
thing over 10k gets reported to the feds . And you have to pay sales tax when you get it home . Paying cash to an individual is probably a better way to launder money .
But there is a loophole to everything I suppose.
A lady that was a beautian told me once, "yes you can put lipstick on a pig!"

A guy once told me how he figured the classic car hobby. He said, since it is a hobby for him, he figures how many $$ he he will pay for the car DONE, how many $$ he will lose when he decides to sell it, and yes, divide that by how many months/years he keeps it and enjoys it. He said if that comes say, $400 a month including insurance, that is the cost of his hobby.

Back decades ago, I looked for a desirable project (model), I did all the work, except machine work and transmissions ( I had a buddy that was a pro trans mechanic), if I drove it, it was insured, and when I decided to let it go, I wanted to be paid for my time, work, and investment.
Now days, I look for a project ( not a desirable model cause one worth building is cost prohibitive), and/or that is that is not priced 4 times what any sane person would pay, I still do all the work, insure it, and know fool well, I ain't gonna go in the hole! or otherwise I ain't going there!!!!!!!

I have to wonder, just how many people buy a darn roller, that is a parted out rusted out POS, give too much, take it all apart, and then it dawns on them, they have no $ for a build, mo place to work, no tools, so skills, and the wife said "sell that damn thing!!" Its ALL apart, and they still think someone will pay how many $$$$$ for the darn pile of parts! :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :thumbsup: :steering: :poke: :rofl:
A lady that was a beautian told me once, "yes you can put lipstick on a pig!"

A guy once told me how he figured the classic car hobby. He said, since it is a hobby for him, he figures how many $$ he he will pay for the car DONE, how many $$ he will lose when he decides to sell it, and yes, divide that by how many months/years he keeps it and enjoys it. He said if that comes say, $400 a month including insurance, that is the cost of his hobby.

Back decades ago, I looked for a desirable project (model), I did all the work, except machine work and transmissions ( I had a buddy that was a pro trans mechanic), if I drove it, it was insured, and when I decided to let it go, I wanted to be paid for my time, work, and investment.
Now days, I look for a project ( not a desirable model cause one worth building is cost prohibitive), and/or that is that is not priced 4 times what any sane person would pay, I still do all the work, insure it, and know fool well, I ain't gonna go in the hole! or otherwise I ain't going there!!!!!!!

I have to wonder, just how many people buy a darn roller, that is a parted out rusted out POS, give too much, take it all apart, and then it dawns on them, they have no $ for a build, mo place to work, no tools, so skills, and the wife said "sell that damn thing!!" Its ALL apart, and they still think someone will pay how many $$$$$ for the darn pile of parts! :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :thumbsup: :steering: :poke: :rofl:
Both my cars were rollers… the Barracuda set me back $700 and the 340 4 sp Swinger was a whopping $1200 and I got a trany with it ! Probably have $20k in each . But the Dart really didn’t need a 4” stroke ,ported W2s and solid roller cam . Probably could have saved 8k just building a hot 340..


How about tag re-pops? My project never came with a fender tag. Would it be worth the $300 or so to get one done? And......Can they be identified as a re-pop?
I am sure there are plenty with repop (imagination) fender tag cars there at BJ. Mecum.
Decades ago, there was a guy (Marti Auto Works) actually a Ford guy, but he had one of the factory fender tag machines. Where do you think Galen got his done?
Anyway, without the build sheet ( how many cars have one to be found or readable?), you have no build date, or any real info other than looking at the car and trying to makeup the info for a correct tag or whatever the builder is building. Is what it is.
How about tag re-pops? My project never came with a fender tag. Would it be worth the $300 or so to get one done? And...
I don't think anyone cares if it's a reproduction fender tag as long as the information is correct and accurate I see no problem at all. Is it worth $300 I would think so but that's up to you and that's the bottom line. Most fender tags are stolen so that nothing special cars can be cloned into a more desirable model. I know of six pack cuda fender tag being purchased for thousands of dollars I think it's b******* but I know what to be true.
Funny you guys should be talking about this…..

I’ve been looking for an OEM radio for my ‘67 F250 (a one year only radio), and today after work I met up with a guy who had one to sell. We got to talking about cars and what-not, and after a bit he pulled the cover off his ‘56 Nomad in the garage. Really nice car, and when I mentioned I liked the “period correct” colors, he said something like, “And it’s not that overly flashy clear coat crap!”

Small world!
Both my cars were rollers… the Barracuda set me back $700 and the 340 4 sp Swinger was a whopping $1200 and I got a trany with it ! Probably have $20k in each . But the Dart really didn’t need a 4” stroke ,ported W2s and solid roller cam . Probably could have saved 8k just building a hot 340..

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I just do simple math. Cost of roller, prefer now days to come with good running engine, I can check compression on, prefer to be able to run it down the road or across the pasture to check out trans/engine, (Sorry, NO machine shop bill for me), new small, underhood accessories as in maybe carb, usually radiator, sheetmetal (repop stuff or/ and 18 ga sheet), all the body/paint materials, NO not paying retail, interior, probably bumpers, front end rebuild parts, brake parts, u joints, shocks, tires, glass (windshield only ) ????,
missing small parts (better not be much.) But as we know it all ads up!

Costs get out of hand when a guy buys a BAD builder ( too rusty, to bent up, missing too many parts) , then has to pay for an engine build and trans bujld, and pays more for the project car than it is worth. Then the guy has to have all the BEST parts for his baby!! Costs from one build vs another can be crazy different.

Base coat in general runs maybe 50% more than single stage, 3 coats of a good clear is not that many $$. You can shoot clear over single stage AU. Can he get it straight without $1000 worth of primers. Does he waste $120/can filler? Did he buy a project that is not beat to heck? or rusted to heck?
But yea, it all adds up.
In general, it costs just about the same to build most any engine, trans, interior, body/paint, front end, bumpers, rear end, glass, shocks, tires....all of it...... for a slant car or a hemi....the difference is in cost of the project and HOW good it is to begin with!!!

Does the guy building the project have a box of spare new little parts? Can he shoot perfect work with a $50 gun and not a $500 gun, Does he have a GUN!??
I don't think anyone cares if it's a reproduction fender tag as long as the information is correct and accurate I see no problem at all. Is it worth $300 I would think so but that's up to you and that's the bottom line. Most fender tags are stolen so that nothing special cars can be cloned into a more desirable model. I know of six pack cuda fender tag being purchased for thousands of dollars I think it's b******* but I know what to be true.
Heck years ago, I know of people that repoped vin tags, a felony, but I have seen it done.
Back decades ago, I wonder just how many good cars I ran up on where the owner swapped out the dash (E body) and did not swap over the vin. He then had a car with a good dash but wrong vin!!!!!! Or the guy that starts the body work ( yea he took it apart and that's as far as he got), took off the fender tag and LOST it!!!!!
Way back in the late 80s, I went to look a what was supposed to be a 70 Hemi Cuda, roller. The PO owner blew the hemi, pulled it, cut the k frame and dropped in a 318. He swore he knew the car to be a real HEMI Cuda. NO vin on the dash, BUT..... I found the vin laying in the trunk under a bunch of crap!! Go figure.
A $1500 hemi cuda that day. Just another old beater it was! 1988.
I didn't see the show to see other things, but the engine color shouldn't be red unless it was a very early '69 with a '68 engine. The grill was painted to look like a GTS grille. There were probably other things.
How about tag re-pops? My project never came with a fender tag. Would it be worth the $300 or so to get one done? And......Can they be identified as a re-pop?
My car never came with one either, and having been built in Canada there is not enough information about it on file to get Glover to make one for me(I checked), but the underhood looks totally unfinished without the fender tag(fricking thiefs), so I'll be getting a repop made, so if you know of a good place let me know.
Nigel had me one made, but I had my crusty original. Around $200 but 25 years ago lol
How about tag re-pops? My project never came with a fender tag. Would it be worth the $300 or so to get one done? And......Can they be identified as a re-pop?

My car never came with one either, and having been built in Canada there is not enough information about it on file to get Glover to make one for me(I checked), but the underhood looks totally unfinished without the fender tag(fricking thiefs), so I'll be getting a repop made, so if you know of a good place let me know.
Most classic cars don’t spend much time outside.
How absolutely damned sad...

As far as a reaction to the sale? It's about damned time.

It's also well beyond time for well built, well thought out restomods that are a heck of a lot safer, and more fun to drive to get as much as a completely factory restoration...
40K sounds pretty reasonable for nicely done car (luck of the draw this one isn't reported as such).

but if you stand back from that big number and break it down they were very likely upside down on that car. when paint jobs are 20K there's not a lot of meat left on the bone to tackle the other aspects of the car.

think about this, if a shop put two guys on car for a full week that's 80hrs of labor at, let's be reasonable, 100/hr so you're looking at $8000

it adds up quick!
Someone bought because it was pretty. Has no knowledge of vehicles. And maybe he got on TV. A piece of **** is valueless because when he goes to sell it he'll get nothing with a boogered up, probably rusted up junk. For 40lk I would expect an extremely nice a body. You can buy a lot of nice R/T's, RRs etc. with that kind of money.