1969 Dodge Dart Swinger 340 Sold at Mecum today for $40,000

I guess it all depends on what you want in a car and your purpose for that car. We all have different tastes and amounts in our wallets. For a guy looking for a car to get in and drive it is probably a good buy for him. But to do a car correctly and make everything correct as it came from factory. Your amount of 40 is easily 1/3 of the cost you”ll spend. Will you recover that money? We all know you won’t but the quality of the restoration if you are looking for a correct car, The cost will show. The nice part is It is complete and if you do'nt like it the way it is done, You can tweak it to your standards.
I'll never understand wanting an OE correct car. How boring (imo) You cant drive them, there's no imagination or personal taste put into them. You just assemble them by following "the rules" Well, I don't like following rules. The finished product seems sterile to me. I lie in the middle someplace. I don't like full blown Restomods, but I do like better quality aftermarket upgrades. Parts that makes them ride, stop and turn better, but not take away from the Mopar's design language of the '60s and '70s. Like you said, and you're 100% spot on, we all have different tastes and that's what makes it interesting. When guys want 100% correct 100 point OE Cars, I question if they're car enthusiasts or just investors/speculators. Just an opinion.