1969 Dodge Dart Swinger 340 Sold at Mecum today for $40,000

It's like anything...why do you want an old car, old baseball cards, antique furniture etc etc. Sometimes we want what we want because there was a time when it was unattainable and now later in life we're lucky to be able to have such things. Why do some of us tell the same old stories of times gone by ?? It brings happiness and makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside. Who knows, who cares it will all be over one day so enjoy what you like while you can. Just my opinion you're welcome to disagree.
I am aging out of the hobby at age 76, almost 77. I have driven these old cars back when they (not mine) were new. I still understand the experience of driving them back then!!! I remember, just like the guy that bought a new car last year and still remembers the new car smell!

A buddy and I drove 250 miles from S W Ga top Atlanta in a 57 Chevy, for a weekend of "fun", were we 16. 1964. Crashed at his aunts and we had enough $ on us for gas home and some moon pies, (yes parents let kids do that back then), seat belts, 57s had none. But I remember the trip, the sights, the smells, it all...just like it was yesterday. Back then, the thought was live life today, tomorrow you might be toting a M16 is a rice patty.

Yes I love the modern vehicle with FI, starts right up, runs good. Such is our everyday work vehicle, I am retired but my wife is not, and I "help" her. BUT, I want to drive my OLD cars and be reminded of what life was like 60 years ago!!!!! I am happy driving such and I have NO desire for a "restomod"> But I appreciate the guy that desires such. I appreciate his work IF he built his restomod! If he went to Mecum and paid $60,000 for such, I appreciate his ability to make and spend $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: