Bay Area Mopar Alley Show Saturday June 22nd 2024 DeAnza College

I was there at the club meeting last night. The club board members voted to disband and dissolve the club. There will be no more Mopar Alley.

Here is what I wrote last night in a post at FBBO:

" Tonight they had their meeting and it seems that it will be the last one. They voted to disband the club.
This was sad news. The club has been around for 30+ years and is now ending. The meeting looked as if they might somehow survive based on several people in attendance stepping up to assume active roles on the board. The man speaking ( Tom) said that they see three options.
1) Continue operations including planning for the annual show, hosting it, then the wrap up and then decide what to do afterwards.
2) Continue as a club but have no show. Have meetings monthly or quarterly.
3) Disband and let everyone go their separate ways, refund annual dues, sell off any equipment and close out their non profit title.
After the members stepped up to help, they gathered outside to discuss those three options. According to their bylaws, the only legal and legitimate votes were allowed from the members of the board. The regular members didn't get a say in the matter.
The board voted to disband.
I was there along with 3 other members of the Capital City Mopars club from Sacramento. We offered help in any way that we would be able to provide but it fell on deaf ears. In the 2024 show, they had NINE people helping out with the show, an event with almost 200 cars in the show field and their biggest swap meet turnout in the history of the club. Apparently they were not confident in their membership to host a successful show for 2025 based on the pitiful amount of help and extreme frustration of those that were grossly overworked on the day of show last year.
This pisses me off but I cannot say that it surprises me. Far too many people are lazy assholes that will be the first to ***** when a show seems to have troubles during the show yet they are never thoughtful enough to provide any help to the club that puts on the show. I see the same type of people that complain at the shows that we have had. Stop your bitching and step in to help.
This club here used to have 300 members. The meeting last month had 22 people in attendance, 22 people. That is pathetic, especially for a part of the state where the population absolutely dwarfs what we have up in Sacramento.
When you go to a local car show, go there knowing that most if not all of the members that put on that show are UNPAID VOLUNTEERS that donate their time and sanity to do the best that they can to put on a good show. Often times they are short handed because lazy, apathetic members didn't step in to ease the burden on the ones that had the consideration to help the club. Don't be THAT guy. Get off the couch and help out. "