Bay Area Mopar Alley Show Saturday June 22nd 2024 DeAnza College

Well, there is tons of drama on the Mopar Alley FB page. Many folks are saying that the consensus was to keep the club going, but the officers went outside to discuss and came back with the decision to disband. I wasn’t there, so I don’t know. Anyway, a bunch of people are saying they want to take over.
That is what I saw. There was interest or nobody would have showed up for the meeting. There was one outspoken guy that was a pain in the ***. He complained that he didn't know why the club was headed the way that it was and was confused about it all, yet he was absent from meetings for months and hadn't been in contact with anyone in the club. How ignorant is that? You take a "hands off" approach to anything and it will likely fade away. This dork was clueless. I spoke with a few members and learned that the complainer was always like that and that some members stopped going to meetings because that guy was annoying to be around.
There was interest in keeping the club intact and quite a shock when the "board" members came back inside to announce their decision. It sure would be great if someone else stepped up to revive it. I've enjoyed the show and have been going since the 2004 range.