Camshafts and Compression

Pistons are Icon forged flat tops with the valve reliefs.
Head gasket is Felpro composite, 0.039’’ thickness.
The starter motor does struggle when the engine is warmed up. Starts well when cooled down.
I’ve noticed it idles perfectly with the initial at around 22*, of course this much initial doesn’t help with starting it hot. ATM the timing is all in by 2700.
I have a good cooling system, a flow cooler pump (with a vane impeller) good radiator, etc. I overdrive the pump at around 1.2:1.

I can tell you right now there is no way, no way you can have 20 initial and have full timing at 2700 and not have it rattle.

I don’t know what full timing is, but I’m betting you might and I mean might need 24 total at peak torque.

I’m going to assume from limited information that peak torque is going to be nearer to 3500-3800 if not a bit higher.

Running those pressures your coolant temperature should be no higher ever than 180F and 160F would be even better.

If your cooling system won’t keep it that cool, update it so it will.