Inland shifter gate spring replacement...

From another thread where someone was trying to BUY a used one over on the B Body forum (WTB - Inland 4 speed shifter Internal Spring) it appears that Brewers also does not have these springs (they are not for sale on his site even now). The quote there is "Correct its the spring inside the shifter. I talked to Dan at Brewers earlier in the week & he wouldn't mind some himself. He a few shifters missing the same spring." That is from message #6 on that thread made on 9/15/2023
I heard back from Brewers myself today that the spring is not available, and he does not replace them when he rebuilds them, as he reuses the original if it is there. Seems there is no exploded view of the shifter assembly as it was supplied by inland as a unit and replaced as a unit, but not internally serviced by MOPAR. So, i will get mine out of the evapo-rust and reassemble it and see if i can figure out the spring dimensions and maybe a replacement spring size on my own.