392 & 8hp70 65 Valiant

Damn, yeah I guess had I known your success and the appealing price I would have jumped on one of those instead. I think I’ve got $900 into the Mopar 1320 converter. Yeah still what little time I’ve got in experience with the build it’s been pretty good. No surging or any funny stuff at idle.

It’s going into an upholstery shop to get the headliner and windshield put in then going back to Washington for my fab guy to repair the carnage. Not sure when he’s gonna work it into his schedule but I’m totally fine with that cause we have 3” of snow on the ground and will likely be a month or two till we get some decent weather anyway.

Do you have a goal for yours to be back on the road?
I usually like to be done and test driving by the end of April, so I plan my projects accordingly and try to keep most of it to weekends only. Right now, I'm on track and could probably be done a little sooner. In reality, I could plug in the engine harness, throw some interior in, add trans cooler and some other bolt ons and probably start and drive it as is.. with a tune of course. But I've got time, so I'll refine a few things.

I built a chop top Beetle during covid and and it was too much.. was on it almost every day/night for months, just to try to get it done for spring.. Came out really nice but that's when I decided to limit myself to winter weekends. There's a beast inside of my head that takes over if I let it and I just try to let it out on weekends now, even tho it makes alot of noise through the week.