1. {{citation needed}} on RG's gaskets being made out of a material used for airplanes. Because y'see, sometimes even really nice people tell fibs about products they sell. And sometimes people who don't even sell the product parrot those fibs, because everyone likes to feel good about the purchase decisions they've made.
2. Even if it's true…what do you think that proves? Airplanes have a lot of gaskets to seal a lot of things to a lot of other things in the presence of a lot of different materials. So do cars. Lotta different gasket materials in cars and in airplanes; there's no one single be-all/do-all gasket material.
3. Airplane gaskets aren't necessarily high quality (ask your local aviation mechanic; they have problems with crummy parts, just like we do).
4. A material that works great in one application—even if that application is in an airplane!—doesn't necessarily work great (or even work well) in another application.
None of this is hard to understand, except maybe if one doesn't wanna.