You've been on this forum long enough.There was a time when I would share all kinds of stuff and I barely do it all anymore...
Anyways, back to the point here of service...
"Well, sir, that's very odd. I've never had this situation like you're describing especially one so extreme.... is there any chance you could email me a quick picture? So I can take a look, look at what you're looking at?.. maybe it I can help..
( Within one minute, he sing the same picture.We are...)
Oh great, now I'm seeing what you're seeing. Try adjusting the adjusters, almost all the way in..
And then see how much alignment you need... "
There's absolutely no excuse for bad customer service, and that's what it is. It's a service to your customer. After they've given you money for your product...
Or there could be some transparent honesty..
You've seen their write ups for their stuff. It's always, as if their stuff is so superior to everybody else's and if you use their product, you're gonna gain so much horsepower, you're going to need a parachute for your car, or at least that's the way it's written up to make you feel...
Somewhere in there they can say, by the way, if you're not really mechanically inclined, and you call and ask any questions that I feel aren't smart questions. I'm gonna make you feel like s*** and act like you're stupid and just tell you to send my stuff back to me and then charge you a couple $200. Restockingfee....