The horse is dead
lol. Dave should have dropped everything and helped the OP?
Maybe Dave should have jumped on a plane and flown over to help the guy. For free of course.
What’s sickening is a full grown man making full grown man decisions won’t take responsibility that this is HIS issue. Not Dave’s.
It doesn’t have a damn thing to do with customer service.
No, sometimes people need some advice and guidance...
If you don't know how to do something you seek help from someone who does... That's how you learn and get better...
When I was in high school and learning, there was a guy out here named Ken Neve... He was the director of the Chicago Mopar Muscle club and ran a repair shop that said, "Everything but body work"... He also sold Direct Connection parts out of his shop and I used to get double roller timing chains from him for $25... Ken was always there to give advice and supported the parts that he sold, even the ones he didn't sell, he was all about helping others...
After building my first engine and it had too low oil pressure... All of the other advice that I got from parts store guys and other car "experts" wasn't helping, they tried to tell me that my brand new bearings were shot after the oil pump shaft did not engage properly... But the engine did not run dry, just low pressure 25 psi when started and dropped to 5 psi when warm, the bearings were fine it was never run dry...
After pulling the engine for the fourth time, Ken was the one to tell me how to find the problem... I took his advice and found the problem and fixed it... The machine shop did not put two oil galley plugs back in after they did the machine work...
Ken was a good mentor and taught me alot...
There's nothing wrong with helping people that need it so they can improve and build their skills...
You seem to have a problem with that, and that's all on you...