The 360 build that has more turns than Willow Springs
I talked with my machinist yesterday. The block needs final honing, the decks were clean but will get a cleanup surfacing.
Maybe the cause of the gasket failure... the heads did need to be resurfaced .009 each side. There was some rust from water sitting in a couple cylinders along with very slight raised areas (bulges ?) on the gasket sealing surface. The surfacing may bump compression slightly. I CC'd another '308 head last week and it came in at 72 ccs. My 9.3 to 9.6 compression ratio numbers are based on a 72 cc head, 5 cc valve reliefs, pistons between zero deck and .012 in the hole, and .050 head gasket. If the chambers are 70 ccs, that changes to being between 9.5 to 9.8 to 1.
If need be, I could step it up to Cometic head gaskets in a thicker version.
Summit Racing has a discount code that expires tonight...$20 off of $250 and more savings from there.
Good timing too. I'm ready to order rod and main bearings, cam bearings, core and frost plugs as well as the timing chain tensioner. The timing chain that was on this engine was still good so I'll reuse that. It is a double roller but only has one woodruff key groove unlike the more fancy ones with multiple keyways.
Hey...This isn't meant to be a full tilt race mill, I just wanted to build something a bit wilder than the low compression 360 in the car now.