Hi Guys/Gals: Cruiser here. I've been enjoying driving my slant six 1974 Duster with its newly rebuilt engine. The motor runs very well, but I just cannot get rid of a persistent rear main oil leak. The shop that rebuilt the engine is very experienced and reputable. They installed a new rear main seal in November of 2024, which failed a month later. On Dec. 12th, they installed a new seal which is now leaking after about 1500 miles. So I'm looking at putting in my third rear main seal in about three months. So what's going on here? Does anyone out there own a slant six that DOESN'T leak oil out of the rear main? Does such an animal even exist? I could really use your advice, especially Slant Six Dan if you're out there. If you did cure your leaky seal, what product did you use and how did you install it. Is there some kind of super duper seal that I need to use this time? My expectation is for the engine to go 100,000 miles without leaking. Your thoughts? What worked for you? Am I nuts to expect the floor under my Duster to be clean and dry?
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