AFR Heads

No, you’re the moron and you can’t read and understand what was written. What I said disagreed and agreed with you at the same time.

Stupid ***!

I’d try and re write it to a more basic level so you can understand but I’m not to good with crayons and mentally short blind eyed idiots like yourself.

Seriously speaking, your an idiot.

Go back and re read what I wrote about 20 times and take a month or two off and ponder what’s written before returning and failing at insulting me and the forum.

Good day sir!
Not insulting the forum at all. I read exactly what you moronically wrote. You should talk about insulting people. Nobody on here is more moody and all over the place posting than you.
You’re dumb enough to attack a head as unfair because somebody put more work into it and got better results than anybody else.
You seriously should think about what you are saying
Do you think when Charlie Westcott got into SS/AH and started kicking everybody's *** and having a tenth on them it was unfair because he was smarter and out worked everybody. Uh, no.
All started with the same hunk of metal to whittle on