AFR Heads
Why do you guys buy heads and then port them? Why not just buy cylinder heads that already flow what your looking for and are cnc done
This I have done when the head was available.
At this current stage, I have complied a rising multiple set of heads since at the time, there were no trick flows or Victor heads available. I have had these heads a while now and IMO it would be stupid to sell the heads for a better set of heads since the current heads meet the goal.
While it is true a better set make the job easier, why sell a good set to our base a better set unless the current set is not up to task?
Seems like a move called chasing your tail.
If I need or desire to go faster than what I have, it’s a Victor head or a W9 head.
Often I have stated, if and when possible, purchase the best head you can for the job at hand.
If you want to make 420 hp with a stock head, and lease by all means do so what you want to do and the part you want to do it with.
A stock as cast head is capable. But many will purchase an Edelbrock head. That’s fine as far as I’m concerned. As well as a better move IMO.
If you can not port a head yourself than the extra expense is now also a consideration. This applies to any head. Bloomer does the porting for you which is great. If the bug bites you for more power and the head isn’t capable, step up.
So to you Dan, what’s your power goal (include the engine size being used) and what part are you planning on. List them and watch the opinions fly!!!!