AFR Heads

Cause they could be for different applications. It's like comparing a TF 240 vs 270 obviously the 270 gonna flow better and make more power but there meant for different applications not exactly a fair comparison. You got to compare them each against similar competitors.

Very bad analogy. The trick flow 240 and 270 are actually different castings. Not the same head.
The Bloomer head is the same casting as all these other knockoff Chinese castings.
It’s just that Bloomer did a better Job getting the head to flow better than other CNC programs have done with them.
It would be like having Hughes fully port an Eddie head, then complain it osnt fair if somebody else fully ported it, and it didn’t work as well as the Hughes did, then complaining Hughes is unfair because it’s faster.
There is nothing unique about the Bloomer head over any other speedmaster type head you can get and have ported, other than the skill of who is doing it.
I have no clue why people don’t get that