AFR Heads

Well, I am just getting started reading this thread I figured this is something I need to understand.
.thank you, just starting to read this thread and ge an education . Thank you.
Even though the springs are listed as Melling on AFR's website, I found another vendor (LS oriented, of course!) that lists them as a PAC made spring. I would like to know the diameter of the valve pockets and if 1.550 springs would be an option or they could be enlarged safely to fit. Here are the spring spec's.

AFR Replacement Valve Springs - (Springs Only)​

These PAC racing/AFR 8017 valve springs are a direct replacement for Air Flow Research heads using the standard small diameter dual spring as well as a variety of other aftermarket cylinder heads and engine types. These small diameter, LS style dual valve springs can be used for most hydraulic or solid flat tappet camshaft applications. Whether you're working on a Ford, Chevrolet or Mopar, we have the AFR replacement valve spring that you need.



  • Outer O.D. 1.290"
  • Inner I.D. 0.685"
  • Max lift: 0.600" *
  • Seat Load: 140# at 1.810"
  • Open Load: 356# at 1.210"
  • Rate: 360 lb/inch
  • Coil bind: 1.050"
* Must verify retainer to seal/guide clearance


Here's what I know about the AFR head. I checked them out at a trade show a couple of months ago and took one picture. The first picture shown below is the AFR head. The reason I took the picture is because of the short turn machining. The blue arrow points to the 'cliff' that was left after the valve job. The top of the cliff is a sharp corner. No way that head is flowing 260+ without work. I was quite shocked a company would take that to a trade show for show and tell.

The AFR head is a Speedmaster casting. To my knowledge there are two foundries in China repopping the SBM head, SM and ProMaxx. The ProMaxx head comes from the Steven Sun foundry. I don't know the name of the SM/AFR foundry. I suppose there could be a third, but where would their heads be sold? Would have to be in the States.

The second picture below shows the same view as the first picture, but this time a SM head. Note there is no cliff. The cliff on the AFR could just be a core shift issue. I've experienced core shift in both the SM and the ProMaxx heads in areas other than the short turn.

The third picture shows a ProMaxx head on top of a Speedmaster head. The differences between the two castings are obvious. The exhaust port face is the quickest way to differentiate between the two castings.

Again, the AFR head is a Speedmaster casting. A bare AFR head is $130 more than a SM head and I think the SM would flow better OOTB. I see no reason to buy a (bare) AFR head. Wait for Black Friday and save another 40% on the SM.

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Thank you.. i need time to read and understand everything I see, :thumbsup: Thank you