AFR Heads

Might not be exotic too you but to the average guy it is, most don't have a tons of experience, what they do have is a credit card and a catalogue.
What is exotic? Offset rockers are just offset rockers… period. Nothing exotic at all.
W heads are known to leak. They do require a lot of porting. They do require offset rocker gear and custom stuff such as headers. Is this incorrect?

Lol. Of course you can make comparisons. Within realistic limits, head flow is head flow, displacement is displacement. It doesn't matter the brand. I of course I knew this would trigger people but I really DGAF.
I’ve ran W2’s since 2009. Never had a leak.
What’s the big deal with offset rockers? Are they special? I don’t get it.

Headers are headers. Either LA or W2. If the W2 head has both exhaust bolt homes LA headers do work. I ran LA headers for years with W2 heads.

What custom stuff?