AFR Heads

They don’t get used because of this thread.

Dudes will not buy the heads. When the W2 head came out every non retard Chevy engine builder was looking to fit them to a Chevy, or copy them.

Go look at what Chad Spierer does. His fast **** is W2 shape.

Average is not the term.

I’ve said it for decades. Chrysler guys suck hind tit because of themselves.

Who in their right mind would design and build a cylinder to make power when you know, you know for a FACT 99.5% of bubble gummer Chrysler guys won’t buy the **** no matter how good it is. That’s just the hard truth.

If you think the W2 is exotic you need to get out more. It’s basic ****.
No ones arguing that W type heads aren't better.

The point was, before TF's the average guy had ootb Edelbrocks to make high 400 hp power then TF allowed them to make 500+ hp now if some made like a mass produced 330 cfm version then the average dude could step it up to 600 hp with ootb heads.

Not say the heads shouldn't be checked or there's not better alternatives etc.. but most average guys are stuck at TF level right now.

That was the point nothing more.