AFR Heads

I googled and this ad came up. Are they no longer available?
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I believe that those were the original version of the Bloomer heads that did not work out. If so, they are not available anymore. I don't know why they don't pull that crap off the web. I have never seen any advertising for the new head, whatever they are called. The only way to get them is track Bloomer down on FB or some other social media that a lot of "mature" folks don't have. So while they are supposedly readily available you can't find them on a standard company webpage or any of the speed parts vendor sites. If you go to any car show and ask folks about the available SBM heads, you're going to hear crickets regarding the Bloomers. Might do better at a race track but the "majority" of users being discussed aren't at the track every weekend. Probably a good idea for them to not advertise because I bet they are making them as fast as they are selling them and would create a big backlog that their current custom assembly process (one man doing the final assembly and blessing) can't support.