AFR Heads
Mass Production, People knowing about them and or where to buy them.
TF aren't better than ported Edelbrock's or clones, it's ease of availability and price and name brand is why they sale, the average guy can order them from almost anywhere and bolt them on without to much trouble and know they can make 500+ hp.
So the Bloomers, who’ve been around awhile know better than to build a bunch of heads so tire kicking coupon clipping cheapskates can talk about buying them.
Don’t you get it? You seem to be reasonable and you think a lot. Think it through.
Would you put a TON of money to sleep for a market that is so cheap and finicky that you’ll be years and years and years getting your money back.
That’s how companies go broke.
Want an example? Here’s a good one.
The Ritter block. I’d bet everything that 99% of the guys on FABO have ever seen one. Of the one percent who have, have never had to machine one.
Those same guys think you can run to Walmart and buy a Chevy block for half the price and drag it home and bolt it together.
That’s absurd. Why?
Because those cheap assed half priced Dart blocks and any other brand are REPLACEMENT quality blocks. They are NOT race blocks. Not even close.
So when you get down to the nut cutting you find out that when the Chevy block gets billet caps (standard on a Ritter block) and .904 lifter bores there isn’t 200 dollars difference. If that.
And, since I’ve done it many times with all three brands (GM, Ford and Chrysler) I can say there isn’t an aftermarket block that comes finish machined.
It just doesn’t happen.
Yet, guys ***** they can’t buy a block. Or it costs too much. Or it takes too much work.
When I hear **** like that I say they need a 400 hp 408. It’s what they are capable of handling.
The ship has sailed. Support for this **** is over. When you could buy the ****, no one bought it.
It’s no different today.